SPADE: The Podcast
SPADE: The Podcast stands as a beacon of hope and understanding, addressing critical mental health challenges within the African American community. SPADE (Suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, and Epilepsy) seeks to shine a light on topics often stigmatized and misunderstood.
Our mission is to break the silence surrounding these issues, encouraging open dialogue and fostering a culture of support and education. By providing meaningful resources and sharing powerful stories, we aim to empower individuals to confront these challenges head-on and build pathways toward healing.
Mental health is a crucial but often overlooked subject in the African American community. It's time to dismantle the barriers of shame and stigma, ensuring everyone feels safe to speak their truth and seek the help they need. This podcast is more than just a platform—it's a movement to spark change, spread awareness, and inspire action within families, friendships, and communities.
Join us as we embark on this essential journey of understanding, connection, and hope. Together, we can create a future where mental health is prioritized and no one has to face their struggles alone.
SPADE: The Podcast
Finding Hope Through the Storm: Finale
In the finale episode of Finding Hope Through The Storm, we tackle the pressing themes of hope, resilience, and social justice in today's turbulent times. Conversations unfold around the critical role of the church in activism, drawing parallels with its historical significance and its waning presence in modern discussions. We explore the unique challenges faced by today's youth and emphasize the necessity for communities to engage deeply with them, uplifting the next generation to foster lasting change.
Join us for this gripping exploration, where we not only seek to understand the societal landscape but also provide a roadmap for positive engagement rooted in faith and community. This conversation is essential for anyone looking to cultivate hope and inspire action in an increasingly complex world. Be sure to subscribe, share, and leave a review to continue this journey with us!
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yo, what's up everybody? It's your boy, anthony. Welcome to another edition of the podcast. What's going on y'all? Welcome to part two of Finding Hope Through the Storm. Now, if you ain't found hope through the storm in part one, you need to find some hope first before you listen to this episode. So I need you to find some hope in that part one before you listen to part two. If you ain't found it yet, so click that link before this episode and find some hope through the storm in part one. Okay, okay, all right. So this is again a continuation of part of finding hope through the storm.
Speaker 3:This is part two and before we get started, I just wanted to actually update you guys on how I'm doing with Magic Mind. So, just in case you guys didn't know, so Magic Mind is a, like I talked about before. If you listened to the first episode, is a mental performance shot and I've been adding it to my daily routine and it's going to get you focused, mentally clear, motivated, productive while reducing stress. And it's with mushroom nootropics and has 100% of your daily vitamin C and D per bottle, as well as adaptogens. So just want to let you know know this is 100% safe. All ingredients are third-party tested, sourced from the best suppliers. And again, this is not a coffee replacement, so you're not replacing your coffee. I'm not advising that. This is just an addition to your morning routine, so it's just like your daily essential vitamins, but it's just for your mind. So I wanted to have everybody to go on a journey with me so y'all can see how it's working for me.
Speaker 3:Now. I told y'all in the beginning that when I first started it, you know, I couldn't really tell what was going on. Slightly I was feeling a little, had the energy boost, but the taste was ugh. But since I have been drinking it, I've gotten used to the taste. So the taste isn't that bad at all. I've gotten used to it. So I'm good with the taste. It's a shot, literally. So all you got to do is just take it to the head and I have noticed that when I'm like super tired, I just take it and I get that big jolt of energy and, yeah, I'm definitely liking it.
Speaker 3:So you have a limited offer that you can use now. So what you can do is you can go on my page and this will get you up to 48% off your first subscription, or 20% off a one-time purchase with the code of SPADEPOD20. That's all caps. S-p-a-d-e-p-o-d 20 at the checkout, p-o-d 20 at the checkout, and then you'll claim it at uh. H-t-t-p-s. Um colon, uh backspace, backspace, magicmindcom. Um slash spadepod, and that's all caps. So again, and that will be uh posted in my description so you can see exactly the correct spelling, et cetera, and you can just copy and paste. Other than that, we are going to get started on the episode. So I hope you enjoy. This is the last part, this is part two.
Speaker 4:So stay tuned and I'll be right back with the interview.
Speaker 4:So I want to shift to our second topic, and we actually kind of alluded to this in church, to this in church, jaden and John we were talking about how the church nowadays are not as active as far as being on the forefront of activism, whereas back in the early in the 60s, in the 70s, they were so like with the civil rights movement and everything like that.
Speaker 4:So yeah, during the civil rights movement, black churches were at the forefront. So yeah, during the civil rights movement, black churches were at the forefront pastors, faith leaders and congregations, you know, they were risking everything for the fight, for needs to stay out of the politics and it needs to be a separation of church and state. Particularly, we can also look at the fact that our evangelical churches I'll give an example as far as, like our George, what happened with George Floyd or with Breonna Taylor or any of those cases, george Floyd or with Breonna Taylor, or any of those cases I could not, I could count on let me rephrase this I could probably count on one hand where some of my evangelical churches spoke out during those particular incidents that happened. So, with that being said, has the modern church in today's time abandoned the role in its fight for justice.
Speaker 2:I would say not truly abandoned. I would say more laws in how they actually should lead. Some are scared, some feel as though that it will be what's the word. I'm looking for Retaliations If they do commit any action. Compared to back then, they wouldn't care. It was life or death. Nowadays too, oh, I'm scared.
Speaker 2:Just like Brother Jaden mentioned, you have more fear of man than fear of God. God could do anything he wants. There's two things that God could do. He could either provide justice or he could do mercy so many times that he provided mercy for us and I'm not going to go ahead and put my fear of man above him. He will always be number one priority. I just feel, as though, that we need to go ahead and go back to the basics. We need to go ahead and start to build our foundation, because a house cannot stand without a foundation. It will be shaky. The moment a wind comes through, it's just going to knock it over. Go ahead and rebuild, have our front base and then build up from it, and then we could go ahead and start leading the younger generation. We start leading once we get right ourselves.
Speaker 5:I believe the youth plays a big factor in what's to come in the future. The youth in our age factor in what's to come in the future. The youth in our age younger, because I look at the youth as the root of the foundation as well when it comes to just you know on earth. Because once they're, if people are able to train them up, if people are able to correct them, if people are able to really nurture their mind and to discard or be put away what they see when they're in school, when they're out in the street, right it's separating who they are. And it's separating especially if you've grown up in a church and when you hit 17, 18, 19, life kind of hits and you start separating, right, the youth will build that church. The youth will be able to speak for itself because we can be on fire, we can be, but we got to be able to renew our mind. We have to be able to get those lost souls back to realizing they are the church. Yeah, get back to the youth realizing their worth and that they don't have to be followers of man but followers of God to realize that and get back to that mindset or even introduce people to that mindset and introduce people to Christ and who they are as a, as a, as a beautiful and wonderfully made person in the image of God. Once they know that, then we'll be able to, like John said, have a good foundation to keep building up and keep building up, because I feel like we're not going out, man, and speaking this gospel, we're not going out enough and being able to tell enough people about God.
Speaker 5:I agree with that. Like, like what, we were all excited and we still are excited, but when we first came to crisis, like we don't know everything that's about to happen, but I just know I feel much better than I did before. Right, right, don't you want somebody else to feel the exact same way? Right, don't you want to see that, that joy in somebody's eyes from what they've just been going through? You come up to people and be like, yeah, my dad died, my baby died, but to give them hope and a future from what you've learned in church, from what you've learned through the future, from what you've learned in church, from what you've learned through the Bible.
Speaker 5:I love seeing that joy and that love in somebody's eyes when they're like I am saved, yeah, I am healed. Right, right, and once we have a group of people that can be able to do that, then we can be able to go forth and preach the gospel, not worrying about the politics, Right, not worried about what's going on. So that's what I will comment on, just that question, just continually building. And if we have a church, we have to continually build, have different classes, trainings, so people can know how to defend their faith, tell their faith, even tell their testimony.
Speaker 4:Because a lot of people, they don't like to share their testimony. Again, we talked about this in church. They don't like to share what they've gone through because, I mean, you got to look at the fact that your testimony can save souls. You know people, people deal with this, we all deal with similar situations and if you never share how God delivered you from X, y and Z and then another person is dealing with the same thing and they're on a threshold of about to lose it, you know you've lost. You've lost the battle. So it's very important to just continue to just hear that testimony, like I made it through. God did this for me. If he did it for me, then he can do it for you. You know, tell it and then I'll get to you real quick. But going going real quick. Back to the youth.
Speaker 4:It's also important to get the youth into the church, because the youth, to get the youth into the church, because the youth, um, we we've lost the youth within the churches, churches and I think again, it's, it's very important to get them, like you said, get them involved into the church so, and while you were talking, I was thinking back to Mount Sinai days.
Speaker 6:They had us doing everything. We had step teams, choirs, we were going to different churches, we were doing a whole bunch of stuff and just thinking about some of the main fruit that was always there, just thinking about where we all are today, when you're not here wilding out, most of us are still in church. So, to your point, while we may have did our own thing once we left and got old enough, I think the Bible is true when it says when you train up a child in the way they should go, when they grow older they won't depart. I mean, they won't try to do their own thing. It just means that what you, what foundation you gave them will always reel them back in. So I think that is definitely important. I just think it goes back full circle to your question which man you, you really made me think on this particular question and I think to fully answer it we really have to look at.
Speaker 6:I don't think the church abandoned their role. I think what happened was we allowed too many people who had the wrong intentions to become leaders or to become what we call, you know, preachers, the pastors. The Bible says that we test every spirit, and a lot of people say test every spirit by the spirit. No, it just says test every spirit and we test it by the word of God to see what they're saying, their theology, their, whatever it is that they're bringing before us. The Bible said that there were the Bereans. They didn't just take Paul's and every and other, every other teacher and leader, by their word. They went and they had the Bible open to see. Did this match up with what was going on, with what we already have written? And so you know, I tell people all the time, when we start talking about racial things in the church and politics, that it's very easy to stand up and take a stand in wartime, but the real revolution starts in peacetime. What are we doing when these things die down? And then we start talking about giving your money so that God will bless, and we start talking about the material things, the wealth and the health that's not guaranteed to us anyway, and while we still have a community of people who are suffering, who are dying, who are addicted to drugs because not because they're bad people they decided to be druggies one day. People were molested, people were raped, people were beaten, people were abused and we closed them out because now we want to have the people in here. Who's going to line our pockets with whatever it is that we are preaching to them making them think is real. So I think that not so much as the church has abandoned it, I think we just allow people into the pulpits. Who has led us astray?
Speaker 6:And I think also on the flip side of that, when we talk about the 50s and 60s and the civil rights movement, I think if we go back to the 20s or even before, then our people who looked like us, who looked like the four of us Black people once slavery was, I think, booker T Washington. His mindset was that if you're not going to give me a job and here it is, 200-something years later we're still dealing with it when you talk about DEI and stuff but if you're not going to give me a job, I'm going to take my idea and I'm going to materialize it and I'm going to become your competitor. Now, and I think we rely too much on what is the government going to give us. I watched the preacher I'm not going to call his name, very popular preacher and when I think it was the week after Trump got elected and he started tossing out all these executive orders, and I mean literally for an hour straight. He used scripture to berate Donald Trump and berate people who voted for him and do all these weird things that had nothing to do with the gospel. But in the same, in the same breath, when, when the sermon was over with he, he, he used another the Rosewoods, the Tulsa, oklahomans and the Black Wall Streets, who we were our own community. We had hospitals, we had our own grocery stores. It was us like FUBU back in the day, for us, by us.
Speaker 6:And then, once they came in and destroyed those communities, now we had liberal people come in and say you know, in order for you to truly get help now you're going to need government assistance. And I think it was Lyndon B Johnson who said that I'm going to give these people just enough, not for them to make a difference, but I'm going to give them enough programs to keep them distracted and you know so that we can be so caught up in what they're doing. But they didn't give us enough to to make a difference. And here it is, 60, 70 years later and we're still dealing with the same things.
Speaker 6:I think this may be a hot take, and I don't mean as far as not standing up for what's right, but I think that the church and state should be separated. And the only reason why I say that is because, when you look at Acts, the church and state should be separated. And the only reason why I say that is because, when you look at Acts, the church, the Bible says they had all things in common, which means they brought everything that they had and they made sure that their sector of people didn't want for anything. So I think, until we can get some leaders who can come in and say you know what we're going to take care of, not just the people in our church, but we're going to go and we're going to take care of our surrounding communities, instead of telling people that if they don't give their money, they don't give this because they may or may not have it, because the church is comprised most of our church anyway mostly of single mothers. So mothers who may be struggling, mothers, especially now with inflation or whatever even regular families with both mother and fathers are struggling. Mothers, especially now with inflation or whatever even regular families with both mother and fathers are struggling.
Speaker 6:So if we take those things and we tell them, you know, give out of your heart, like the Bible says, not out of compulsion, but God loves a cheerful giver, you know, giving what he may so we can take care of each other as well as take care of the communities, then maybe we can come and say you know, we don't have to even worry about DEI, we don't have to worry about this because we're creating our own jobs. We're doing this and, yes, it may be hard because essentially, we're starting over from scratch because of the different things that we've had to endure as a community. But if these people, who were fresh out of slavery, could do it with all the technology and everything that we have today, you can't tell me that we don't have the brilliance. You can't tell me we don't have the fortitude to be able to do the same things as just now. We have to work and we have to get the community involved and, like my brother said, not just get them involved.
Speaker 6:You know, it's all about reaching them. No, no, no, we got to reach them and we got to. We got to tell them. You know this, and that is happening because of the need of repentance, god's loving kindness, the Bible says, is because he wants to draw you into repentance. So now we have to mirror, we have to confront and love them and confront the issues that they're dealing with. But then, once we're able to build that relationship now we got to usher in the spiritual aspect of it and then we can usher in the discipline and, you know, being able to have make jobs and everything of that nature, just as the Booker T Washington's and everybody else did. So I really think that we didn't abandon our role. I think we've allowed people to take the reins over what we're supposed to do and they've totally scattered the flock of god I like that.
Speaker 4:So, speaking of um, finish the fears. So we've been talking about the uncertainty, with division and fear in the world, et cetera, especially within the Black community, and people with struggle with stress and anxiety and even hopelessness. So how do we protect our mental health without becoming numb to what's happening around us, and how do we balance staying informed without I mean staying informed with maintaining our peace?
Speaker 5:I mean, and it's tough, it's tough, it's tough and mental health is a real thing.
Speaker 5:But, man, when you absolutely trust in the Lord and wait on the Lord, and when the scriptures say he shall renew your strength, and you were sore, and you were sore like an Eagle, it's, it's, it's those promises like that. But also what helps and this has helped me, I can say it in the sense of this is that the encouraging part, when I hear different testimonies or when I hear what people have been delivered from, it's like man, man, whatever I'm going through, I'm not comparing it to that person's situation, but I'm looking at it as that they've just been delivered through so much. They've been delivered through so much and you'll be complaining about something so small. Or even because sometimes I look at myself like, why are you being so selfish? Because now you're like man, I want this, I want that. I'm going through this in my mind.
Speaker 5:But what if some of the things that you're going through in your mind is just because you want something so quick? What are some of the things that you're going through in your mind? Is because you couldn't have your way on something. Sometimes you just got to wait, Sometimes you just got to sit.
Speaker 1:sometimes you just gotta wait.
Speaker 5:Sometimes you just gotta sit. Some people going through anxiety and I'm not diminishing anxiety, but what I remember in the word is he said don't be anxious about anything, pray about everything. So it's we gotta be filled with the spirit. We gotta be filled with the spirit, we gotta be filled with the word cause soon as that quick thought hits your mind, cause them thoughts, man them. Thoughts can really get you to a place where you've never been before they will get you to a dark place that you've never gone before right.
Speaker 5:So if I had something to tell somebody that's going through, just thoughts in general and something that always helps me, you back it up with some scripture, you back it up with a promise, and I know sometimes it's tough for people to look at scripture and be like man. That ain't really helping me. Take your eyes off of yourself and cast it onto God. Don't feel like you can carry this burden, because the devil is a spirit and he know how to get you, because he know your trigger points. He know how to attack your side. He know your trigger points. He know how to attack your side. It's tough for you to fight against a spirit where you're just in a body, a mortal body. So, what you do, okay, god, I got you. I'm going to give it up to you. I'm going to let you carry this. Even when I'm weak, you are strong. Even when I don't see things coming my way, I know it's coming. I know you're going to deliver me. I know you're going to do this. It all resembles hope and faith. It's just like a cloud. Okay, if I have hope, if I have faith, okay, now I'm able to trust. Now I'm going to keep on believing. Now I've seen the things. I'm just waiting on my turn Once that waiting comes, because waiting really is that discipline, waiting is really that obedience, because mental health, it can come and it can go, but you got to speak life into yourself, deaf, and life is in the power of the tongue.
Speaker 5:So what you going to do, how you going to say your words, what you going to do this day? You going to get up in the morning and be like man dang, I got to go to work, or is it well I got to go to work, or is it well I get to go to work today? Right, what we talking about? What we really talking about? Speak life into yourself. Speak life of your circumstances, because the circumstances is only for that, for that one thing, for that one time. Then, when you get past it, you're like dang man, I wish I was happy through that. Yeah, I wish I was joyful through that.
Speaker 5:I made it out, I made it out. So that's what I say, it's the power of your words, that's what I say, it's the power of your words. And once people realize what they have within them, they'll be able to be functional and be able to be aware of the Holy Spirit, and they'll be functional and know what God can do in their life, because they know the fruits of the Spirit is in them. But they know all they got to do is break out of that bondage, break out of them generational curses by using a simple act of words and courage. So yeah, man, that's my take on that question. That's a good question, john, what you thinking.
Speaker 1:Oh. I have a lot.
Speaker 2:So, 40 days, three nights, jesus out of the wilderness, right the moment that he left the wilderness, or at the end of his 40 days, 40 nights, that's when the devil came through over attempting Jesus, man of God. Like that, he experienced hunger, he experienced frustration, depression, all these things that we as mortals experience. Devil him up, all these different that we as mortals experience. Devil him up with all these different things. Like, hey, can you go ahead and change this, can you change the bread? We didn't want to test him. And imagine if Jesus had the mentality, if he was not emotionally, mentally prepared to go against that, if they didn't want to go ahead and think like a man, like, hey, I'm going to just go ahead and do this. Nah, he went ahead and backed up with the word, just like Brother James stated. The moment that happened, guess what? Now? The devil man? He frustrated Okay, I'm going to do a number two. Number two he went in and what? I think it was like a castle. And then he was like hey, he put it in that scripture. He was like hey, the angel will go ahead and bless you, your foot will not hit the stone. That didn't happen. Jesus went ahead and backed up with the word. The last time, the devil was like hey, I can go ahead and bless you All of these different things. All you have to do is just go ahead and bow to me Again. Jesus hit him with just the word.
Speaker 2:The word alone will get you through so many situations, and it's the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is something that's temporary, something that just happened for a moment but easily can be taken away. Compared to joy, that's something that only God can give you. You can never be taken away. Compared to joy, that's something that only God can give you. You can never be taken away. One of my favorite songs is Joy in the Morning. No matter what's happening, you can have a family passing. You could just get fired, your girlfriend left you, you got evicted. Whatever the case is, it will be joy in the morning and we have to rejoice in it. One of my other scriptures I like to say I think of what? 4, 6, I think it's 10, philippians All situations, you be content because you already have hope, you already have trust, you already have faith in the Lord that he will bless you. The same promises that he gave to Abraham, elijah, moses is the same promises and blessings that he will give to you. So all this about hey, my day is bad or I'm not going to be good curses Brother Jaden mentioned about that it's not just about generational curses, but it's about curses that we actually say A lot of times.
Speaker 2:We say we can't, we never. Why are we doing this Already? Psychologically, we've taken ourselves out of the game before we even start. So we need to change our mindset and we need to change the way how we believe, not just for ourselves, but for others, because that will impact others as well.
Speaker 2:If I'm supposed to be a spiritual leader and I'm telling you guys like, hey, I can't do this because I'm afraid that's fear as well and that's using a curse, and I'm telling you guys like, hey, I can't do this because I'm afraid that's fear as well and that's using a curse, how would that make you guys feel? Try to follow me. If I'm supposed to be the leader Moses? Moses kept saying, hey, I can't lead, I got speech impediment, all of this. Hey, get my brother. My brother, yeah, he could be the one that save everybody. God said no, you the one, I chose you. And Moses realized that he had something inside of him that he never realized. But we have to go through these tests in order to have these testimonies, hey man should not live by bread alone.
Speaker 4:Amen, xavier, what you thinking.
Speaker 6:I think Brother John just mentioned the joy in the morning, scripture. We remain due for a night, but joy comes in the morning. I think a lot of times what we miss is the morning starts when it's still dark. So we think, just because it's dark or we can't see that it's not morning, we have to. Just all you got to do is just check around you to see you know what. Maybe it is morning. And I think all that goes back to the original. While we're here, it's because of hope.
Speaker 6:Bible says I hope in you, I hope in him, I hope in God. So our hope, our anticipation with joy, anticipation with knowing that he's able to do it, has to precede everything that we're going through, and I mean it's so much easier said than done when you're going through it. So it seems. But the Bible says we have to cast down every thought that presents itself against what we know about God. What do we know, Even if we haven't seen a move in a while in our life, even though we have, because we wake up every day, which means, you know, we still have a purpose to fulfill, like you said earlier, but also what we've seen him do, like we've said many times since we've been here of what he did for the people that we read about in the word. So I think it's imperative to renew your mind. The Bible says you know, we have to renew our minds and it's not something that we just do when we get saved. No, we got to renew this mind every day because we're still in this flesh and our flesh is nothing good. So we're going to have those thoughts, we're going to have those feelings.
Speaker 6:But also I think what is important, the Bible says seat wise counsel. So whether that's a biblical counselor, whether that's a pastor, whether that's my uncle God rest his soul. He, for three years he moved from California here and I sat under him just hearing him. He was in ministry for over 40 years. He moved from California here and I sat under him just hearing him. He was in ministry for over 40 years working as a pastor, prison chaplain, going through so many different things and knowing what I was trying to walk in in my life, just being able to sit under him and gain that knowledge.
Speaker 6:So we have to also, we have to seek that wise counsel because, like my brother said, sometimes it seems like the word is not enough and it is. That's all we need. But also I was says how can they hear without a preacher? A preacher is just someone who understands the word but can also understand what you have been through and be able to break it down to you where you are and then build you up. So that way, when these things come now I have the hope and I have the faith to get over it.
Speaker 6:Because the Bible says from faith to faith, from glory to glory. So there's different places of faith, there's different places of glory, because the glory, all it means, is the weight of who. God is the weight of it. So sometimes in certain places in life, because we're not built up with the word, we may not be able to handle certain glory, certain places of weight. So we have to seek wise counsel that's rooted in the scripture. We have to get into it ourselves so we can hide that word in our heart so that we may not sin against him.
Speaker 6:So it's all about not what's going on externally, it's everything. What's going on externally is everything was going on internally. What do you do, what do we do to build our faith, to build our character, and who are we surrounding ourselves with? You can't get over your addictions. You're hanging with the same people who's doing what you're trying to get away from, who you know. It may be entertaining, it may be fun, it may be this, but now some people we have to sever ties with because we may not understand what we're connecting ourselves to, Maybe draining the very life out of us, the very spiritual things that we are looking toward. It all sounds easier said than done, but it's really not. We have to rely on the word and rely on the people that God will place in our life. We have to pray and we have to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, the people, people that can properly pour into our lives.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I agree with that, I definitely agree with that, and not only just praying, but definitely just fasting, fasting and praying, because it goes hand in hand.
Speaker 1:Yes, sir.
Speaker 4:Because with fasting, that is starving your flesh, that is starving and almost killing the flesh and almost killing the flesh, and that way that will allow you to be able to connect more so you can hear a better, get a better understanding from God when you pray, because you won't hear that clouded judgment, you won't hear those voices or anything like that, it'll just be. You can hear him clearly. So definitely just goes hand in hand with fasting and praying.
Speaker 5:Amen, sure Well said, anthony Well said.
Speaker 4:That about wraps it up, guys. So, um, I really appreciate y'all for coming on. Um, thank you so much y'all. This has been a blessing, um, not only for the audience but me. You guys were amazing and y'all said some things that I needed to hear. So, thank y'all for coming on, and I definitely hope that we all can get back together on future episodes and continue to spread this message. Thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you for having us.
Speaker 2:Thank God because we're just a service to him. That's it.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 4:That's it. I definitely agree with that final final words to our to our audience out there that are in this storm and they need, they're looking for hope and for those that have listened to this and they're just like, okay, I hear this religion mumbo jumbo, but I mean, I'm still dealing with X, y and Z. What do you say to that?
Speaker 5:Surrender. Don't do it by yourself. You do it by yourself. You do it by yourself, then you're going to look at the storm rather than you looking at God. You surrender, you're surrendering your rights over to God. There's a lot going on and it's going to keep going on. So you're either going to flow with the tide or you're just going to be able to let go and let God make his way into your life. It's tough. Do think about this. Everybody got a different situation, everybody got a problem. Everybody got something going on. But two things that I learned that you can't control is your attitude and your actions. So what you need to do, what I recommend you doing, is surrendering to God. Let him have his way, and you will see I'm saying this with confidence, and you will see I'm saying this with confidence because you will see it, I'm giving you hope right now you will see what God is capable of doing. That's it.
Speaker 4:I like that.
Speaker 2:That's right, man, that's true, yeah. I like that. That's right, man, that's true. Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 4:That's it, anybody else?
Speaker 2:I would say keep your faith, keep your hope, no matter what the fact that you could get knocked down two times, three times, four times. It's not about how many times you get knocked down, it's about how many times you actually get back up. You got to keep pushing. If anybody in the past, some right leaders, if they just gave up because they was lynched or firehose got shot, anything like that, we would not be in this situation right now. We would not have a civil race. If Jesus did not go to hell and crucify us on the cross for us, we would not be here right now. So I give you a spiritual leader, I give you a physical, natural leader. All these individuals continue to do what's needed for us to be here. So, no matter what, everything could look bleak, keep pushing, because God has a way to prosper you, to bless you, and the only way you will know is having that breakthrough. That breakthrough could literally be on the other side of the door.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I like that Amen.
Speaker 5:Amen brother Don, yes, sir.
Speaker 6:Amen, for real. I would say you are looking at a guy in myself who's there's two things that I thought would halt whatever it is that I wanted to do in life. And I was molested as a young man and as a child, as a boy, and my mother passed when I was 17 years old and both of those things carried major weight that I had to carry through life. You talk about anger. You're talking about different addictions. You're talking about so many things that I thought man, god can't use me, or man, how am I going to make it through this? And here it is Now. I'm 30 years old, be 31 this year, and am I still going through things in life? Absolutely, but those things that I thought would kill me spiritually, mentally and sometimes even physically. I'm over that. I can look at those things now and use it as a testimony.
Speaker 6:One thing that I love about you said storms. My favorite storm story is when Jesus walked on water with Peter, and one of the accounts I think it's the account in Mark or Luke, I can't remember which one, but one of those accounts said that Jesus meant to pass them by, and when I first saw it I was like man, that's kind of harsh Jesus, why would you mean to pass them by? And they're making way painfully in the storm without you there. And then I had to keep reading and he pointed out that I had meant to pass them by because I told them I was going to meet them on the other side. So the Bible says that his word cannot return back to him void. So, yes, you may be going through many situations, but if God promised you something, if he told you something, then you can rest assured that he's going to meet you on the other side of it.
Speaker 6:The storm is causing the ship to wreck, it's causing you to be fearful, but if you can just stay in the boat and trust his word of what he told you, I promise you while we're all here, if you keep that hope on the inside, like my brother said, you will see him. It may not be in the way that you want him to show up, but he will show up in the middle of your storm Because, remember, before he walked through the storm, he calmed more. So we have a God who's perfect, who has a perfect record against storms. So just remember that if you surrender to him and if you submit to the God who's perfect in storms, then, I promise you, you can make it through yours.
Speaker 2:Oh, I like to go ahead and answer that as well. Man, yes, sir, man, that's great. So you mentioned about the storm, jesus walking on water. So Peter went ahead and walked on water as well, and that's what we need to do we need to go ahead and focus on God. The moment that he was focused on Jesus, he was walking on water. He had no issues. The moment he started to look at distractions, look to the left and right or look at the waves, that's when we start to sink. We need to focus on what is above. We need to focus on the hill, nothing else. Once we do that, we can do anything. Yeah, everything is possible through Jesus Christ, who strengthened us.
Speaker 1:Everything is possible.
Speaker 2:So that's it. Just keep our eyes on him.
Speaker 5:Everything is possible for those who love God.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you God made a way. He's still making a way.
Speaker 4:Yes, yes, yeah, make a way out of no way. God is just he's awesome, he's awesome man, he's awesome, he's awesome for those that I just pray that, if you don't know God, that you would truly just accept him into your heart and just believe that he died for you and he rose again, and just believe that he died for he died for you and he rose again. That God is. He is magnificent, king of kings, lord of lords, and I just pray that you truly surrender, accept him and then you just believe and have hope and you will pass through this storm.
Speaker 4:This is me lost. Amen, amen, amen, amen Amen. Thank you guys for coming on and to my listeners out there. Thank you all for listening and I will see you guys next time, because this is going to be a two-part series. Maybe it's because of the time.
Speaker 1:That's dope right there.
Speaker 5:Yes sir, we're going to lock in. We're going to lock in.
Speaker 2:Man, this might be like a Trinity out here, okay. Good man, this might be a three.
Speaker 4:Like a Trinity out here, okay good, but thank y'all again for listening and my listeners out there. Y'all stay tuned because in the upcoming weeks we will release my preview for my new show, tricky Cards at Hand, and you will get a sneak preview of the first. I'll give you the first five minutes of the first episode so y'all can hear what you will expect to hear and that series will be releasing I'm still going to say 2025. This year so y'all stay tuned.
Speaker 4:Y'all stay tuned for that. So y'all listen to my outro music. See you later.
Speaker 3:Next time on.
Speaker 1:Spade. The podcast featuring Dr Ninja Dika Alatunde. We suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially with all of the issues that are happening in our life. We've got to understand the pain-stress connection. The two go hand in hand. You do not have pain without stress and you do not have stress without pain. You have to understand that connection and what that connection is. Outro Music.